Lucky number Behind MURALITHARAN
Number 8 is lucky for Murali.So,800 wickets indicates his lucky number.The occult number of MUTTIAH MURALITHARAN is 60 that adds up to 6.So,July 6 was significant for him.On that day,he declared his retirement.See,798 wickets represent number 6(7+9+8=24,2+4=6)His birth number is 8.Number 8 has highly influenced his career.
He was born on April 17,1972.His birth number is 8.Actually,8 is his lucky number.Muralitharan surpassed Wasim Akram by taking 503 ODI Wickets.This number is quite significant for Murali.Because it adds up to 8(5+0+3=8).
Murali became the highest Wicket taker in Tests by taking 710(7+1+0=8) in 116(1+1+6=8) Tests at the time of surpassing Warne.
At that time, murali was 35(3+5=8) years old.
Number 8 stands in symbolism to the planet Saturn.It has two extremes-the best and the worst.Same is the case with number 8 also.As far as Murali is concerned,number 8 has always showered blessings on him,inspite of certain ordeals.
The name number of 'MURALI' is 17 that adds up to 8.
Numerologically,number 17 (birth date of Murali) is a much luckier number.It indicates ever lasting fame!In the case of Murali 17 gives double delight.Because,it is not only his date of birth but also the name number. .The name number of 'MURALITHARAN' is 35 ,that adds up to 8.
In his life,Murali has overcome many odds.He has obliterated many obstacles.At certain point of time,even his ability was questioned!But he did not care unwanted and cruel criticism.He has been able to withstand all the odds with patience and humility.All these can be attributed to the characteristics of Saturnian 8!
Above all,the occult number of his wife is 26 that adds up to 8.Again,his name and the name of his wife starts with the same letter-that is "M"
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