Unlock your PC in Android Style with XUS PC Pattern lock

Android got popular with one major feature ramped by its creator the pattern lock, well the way you design your own pattern and unlock your device is great, so its much more memorable and can used by anyone. Well that same feature was even taken down into iPhone but not officially but through the medium of Cydia making unofficial entry.
Well if you too a die hard fan of that pattern lock, then you are lucky that we have an application that does the same job for your Windows PC, yes that's right no you can easily unlock your PC designing your set pattern on screen with mouse.
XUS PC Lock takes your PC locking and security to a new level, with its easy user interface you can easily set your pattern and execute it on the go. So for additional security they even allow you to add a password, so in an case you forget your pattern you can still access your PC by entering your specified password.
So now this thing even looks better than that older password promoting dialog, few dots on the screen and pattern drawn through your mouse can easily get your desktop back to you. So they have strictly warned about making sure that you have set a additional password so in any case you forget your pattern you can access your pc.
Now this little is not provided for free but it costs like $19.95 but yes you can give it a try by downloading its trial version. So just download it from the link on the right and have fun, do share your experiences below.


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