Tips to buy domain

Tips to buy domain

As a continuation of previous article Understanding domain and hosting, this article will discuss a few tips to buy domain. At a glance, buying a domain seems an unimportant thing, and it may be right. However, if you aren’t careful to buy domain, it can be the serious problem in the next days because a domain is like a trade mark to be protected when it has been so popular. It is not good that you cannot control for something you have.
The following are the most important thing to consider when you want to buy domain:

  • Buying domain at the trusted places
Buy the domain at the trusted places. If you find websites selling domain, find out the information about the websites, don’t think the cheap price is good for you. To find out the information, you can seek through search engine such as Google, or ask your blogging friends.

  • The transparent Customer Service
Make sure that the place where you buy the domain has the easy-to-contact customer service, if possible, find the customer service that supports 24 hours.

  • The access to control the domain you buy
Actually, Kang Rohman wants to focus on this point – Domain Access Control. Before you buy a domain, make sure that later you can log in to your Domain Access Control, because from the Domain Access Control, you can freely set up what you desire. For instance, you can change The Server Name so you can freely direct it.
Upset? Maybe if you read the next post about hosting, there will be a chain making you understand. So, don’t miss it!


Anonymous said...

Well i got clear information about above topic and really great information about my knowledge,.Website Domain Name

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